Islands on the Horizon

Two Sundays ago we went to the north side of the island. It took only 1 hour to get there and 1 on the way back. The island suddenly feels so small now, I want to get out of here! Luckily, we have stopped taking the boat apart and are now starting to put it back together.

As you might’ve seen on the picture, when you’re on the north side of the island you are able to see the next islands in the line. Here’s to help:

There’s not much up north (ha ha), because the airport is on the south side of the island and therefore most tourists stay down there. But there is a very nice resort/beach called Petit Anse (since there’s a Grand Anse down south) that we went to for lunch and to swim. They had a nice restaurant and pool and, since the north side is also referred to as the windward side, there was HUGE waves. We even found (literally found) a belly board so we went body surfing and that was fun. All in all it was a very nice “Day up North”.

Mom is now 36 weeks, due February 25th. Her midwife is coming for delivery. She will officially have Grenadian and US citizenship.

Adventures on the Island

Up to now, I think I’ve made the island sound slow, boring, and uninviting. But the island is actually amazing and sometimes the slowness is good for our hard driven family. And so I wanted to relate to you a couple of the more exciting adventures here on the island.

The other day, we went to Hog Island. First thing you should know is that there are many little islands that are close to the main island and this is one of them. Second, since it is an island off ours we dingy-ed there. And third, there’s cows!! Ok that’s not soo amazing but it is cool. And one of them actually walked up to us! I think it was looking for food, but it let us pet it! There was about five cows and one bull, but enough about cows!

We actually went there to snorkel. It was pretty cool how we could stand on the little sandy patches way out, but I have to admit Hog Island wasn’t the best place for snorkeling. We had lunch and did some exploring but other then that it was just a fun little trip.

A couple days before that, we went to Concord Falls. This waterfall was beautiful, with lots of rocks, trees, and water, it was super fun! We hiked up to the beginning of the river and back down to the fall where you can swim, jump off little rocks, and even pay some locals to jump off the 20 foot fall (one even did a back flip)! It was super fun, but I’ll have to let the pics tell the rest.

Island Life

If you’re looking for a slow, easy life, with amazing scenery (Did I mention slow?), this is the place for you (shout out to my Bumps (grandpa) whose B-day was two days ago!)!

Mom has tried to keep y’all updated on what we’ve been doing, but, as you’ve probably noticed, I’m not so good at this blog posting thing. I want to to give you a super detailed account on what we’ve done, but I know you all have your own busy lives too, so I’ll try to keep it short.

Well first of all you probably want a little something about the boat (since that’s kind of what this is all about). We’ve pretty much taken the boat apart and we are starting to put it back together again. Even dad admits he probably shouldn’t have taken out that second bathtub, but still we plow on. The kitchen is coming around, the hard top is on, and the washer and dryer have arrived – ok, so most boat people don’t even have a washer, let alone a stacking washer and dryer! Let’s just take a moment to thank God for his blessings. . .

Ok, I’m back! Enough about the boat, how about life in Grenada? Ok, just to clear things up Grenada is a small British common-wealth country/island in the southern Caribbean only 17 miles long! Winding, falling, and rising roads at break-neck paces, pretty much sums up driving. Aaaaand living, so all the houses are made out of cement and usually only accessible by roads steeper and windier than the Fickel’s driveway (if you don’t know them I’m sorry just think of the most steep road and multiply it by five). I don’t think there’s even a dryer on the island, so I have to hang all of the laundry. There also isn’t a dishwasher so that’s done by hand. And there’s lots more! To be revealed at a later date. I hope these pics will help.

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’s to all! I send all of you my love, especially my family who I have missed soo much over the holidays.

So, as you might’ve heard, the boat splash-down has been delayed many a time and now, it’s planned for January 13th. But that’s not the point! Anyway, on a boat you’ve got to have a dingy to get to shore and to just scoot around for fun. And a couple days before Christmas (and a few weeks after expected) ours arrived. A brand-new, 11ft dingy with a 25 HP outboard to match! Totally worth the wait, as you skim across the water sea spray and wind in your face. Looking out at the expansive blue around you, it is truly a whole new world.

So this is why I call upon you to tell the tale in which, if we couldn’t have the boat, at least we were able to have a new world opened to us. “God has blessed us, every one!” -Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol)

Our Christmas Present

Dreaming Big

This podcast is Bishop Robert Barron, speaking about Dreaming Big. It’s a must listen for us all!! It was specifically timely for Kyle and I as our boat still remains “on the hard” in Clarke’s Court Marina here in Grenada.

“On the hard” means it’s still on land and not in the water yet. We will be spending Christmas moving into a 2 bedroom apartment and storing our stuff for the boat in the Marina.

Our family has gotten an upper respiratory virus and now we are getting a GI bug. 4 down so far. I pray it stops there 🙏.

We know God’s plan is perfect but it’s definitely hard to understand what the purpose is in this current moment.

We miss you all and hope you enjoy every bit of snow for white Christmas and we will promise to soak up the sun here and enjoy the warmth.

Let’s all remember (especially speaking to ourselves) to ask God for the deepest desires of our hearts…and dream big!

Are you ready to give everything to Him?

We haven’t posted in a while b/c it has been a little rough going with the boat. Kyle is doing a great job trying to juggle it all, but our goal to splash the boat (Stella Maris) as of Dec 2nd will very likely come and go. As with most projects we are over budget and way over the estimated original date to be in the water by Oct 18, 2019.

Friday night I had what we might call a “moment”. My thoughts easily turned to, what are we doing here? What is the point of the kids and I being here in Grenada with Kyle when he is fully consumed by this project…seems a lot like his job and all his home projects to me.

I left the room and ate some puppy chow, b/c doesn’t sugar make everything better? Truthfully, I went into the kitchen to find flights back home for the kids and I. We’ll just come back when everything is more settled I thought. I’ll stay with my Mom, homeschool the kids back with our community of homeschoolers and just continue my telemedicine work from home. This is pointless…we’re renting a house and a car and Kyle can just stay near the boatyard for cheap and won’t need a car or a big space for family.

I was going to get my computer to do some searching for flights but I remembered I hadn’t done my devotions for the day. In the morning I usually read my Bible in Year (which I’m on year two and only at April 12th), read the reflection and then meditate for the 30 seconds I get before the kids come telling me how hungry they are or about their dream the night prior.

So I opened my bible saying “please God give me some wisdom here”. The Old Testament reading was the end of the book of Judges 3-4 where the Israelites just keep worshiping false Gods, become slaves, cry for help and God again saves them, over and over again. Then Psalm 88-89 where we praise God for his endless mercy. Then Luke 9: 46-62 where Jesus says “follow me” and the guy says, “I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” and Jesus says, “No one who puts his hand to plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God”…oh…that is what He wants me to hear…

I suddenly remember all that we’ve been able to accomplish here, why we are here, and most importantly who asked us to come…the Lord…

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve spoken to a Couples for Christ group at our church (Blessed Sacrament) about Theology of the Body and Natural Family Planning. Kyle did the first part and was able to really connect with the men and speak to the women’s hearts. We were then invited to the Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa’s order…my favorite!!) to speak to a group of women, young and old about Theology of the Body, Chastity and Natural Family Planning. The following evening we held a Billings Ovulation Method class where we invited both groups and had a total of four couples and two single women (one age 50 and one age 23)…a success…we have a follow-up with all of them on Dec 2nd and booked them all for 30 minute follow ups back to back. I also have the contact for the Director of the Planned Parenthood here in Grenada and an OB/GYN as well as someone in the Government who helps with the Grenada Medical Society…I just have to call them…in my “free time”.

Also I did a home delivery here for a neighbor near us. They are from Florida and have lived here 3 years. They have 8 children and were expecting baby number 9. She was 37 weeks when I met her and had only been to the doctor twice because the access to care is so difficult! The doctor doesn’t take appointments so she had to show up 2 hours early before his office opened, wait in line to see if she will make it in and then wait another 3 hours to maybe be seen…he only takes 10 appts daily. Then you pay cash before leaving the office. Her last delivery here was with him and he was a fine doctor, however when you’ve done home deliveries with Midwives that have always went beautifully, you dread going back to the hospital in a third world country again.

Our kids first met as I was driving by and noted the multiple children and of course I pulled the car over to meet them, much to my mortified Charlie’s surprise. He actually shrank down in his seat to hide because he was so embarrassed by his crazy Mom! Needless the say, they were fast friends.

The kids noticed her pregnancy and of course mentioned I did OB back home so she admittedly wondered if this was God blessing her with the option of home delivery again. I secretly thought about how amazing it would be to do a delivery again and thought how odd it was that my friend Mollie Engle had basically made me take an extra delivery kit with me. She was in training to be a surgical tech and someone had given her “some medical supplies” to practice with. She had me take a look and I realized I was looking at a C-Section kit. I laughed and told her that I already had my delivery kit for myself so I didn’t need to take it but thanked her anyway. She insisted I take it saying “you never know you might deliver someone’s baby” and when I made my final excuse of not having room, she gave me her green and red christmas bin and somehow our husbands crammed it into the U-haul. I even inadvertently picked up 2 cytotec prescriptions in case of postpartum hemorrhage. I had the injectable pitocin for precautionary treatment and even an ambu bag in case I needed to resuscitate a baby. I literally had it all for a home delivery.

When she asked me if I would consider delivering her baby my immediate response was to laugh and tell her that I had thought about that too but it would be CRAZY…I’d never delivered a baby at home (besides that I’d had a home delivery myself with Thomas). I always had monitors and nurses and OB/GYN back up and more than that, I hadn’t delivered a baby in two years b/c our practice stopped doing deliveries. We just did pre/postnatal care and of course I did a lot of fertility, abnormal cycles, etc. I did agree to at least do some prenatal visits at her house weekly until her delivery so that at least she and baby were monitored and safe. I told her I’d pray about the idea and wanted her to as well. She admitted she was finally getting excited about her delivery with the idea of being about to be at home and I felt the call again to trust God for the results.

Of course, He doesn’t disappoint and her Mother in Law arrived who is an RN at a Pregnancy Crisis Center in Florida and a major help. We loved swapping pro-life stories and then her baby came and the delivery was absolutely beautiful. She called me when her water broke, which was only shortly after her contractions started. I arrived within 15 minutes and her baby was born about 15 minutes later while she stood at the bedside. I handed her her beautiful baby girl and everything was smooth sailing from there. God is soooo good. Her husband prayed a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing on their daughter and I knew I was doing His work. Absolutely amazing!

Most days here go by so quickly! We are waking up at 6am, doing devotions, family rosary exercise (which is a hot mess most of the time), breakfast, Kyle leaves, we do chores and school. The afternoon is seeing patients online, then dinner and bed and do it again. I often think where is the time going? I thought life would slow down here? Where’s the island time and why is it only applying to our boat which we really just want to be sailing away from here?

Then I go back to my reflection from Dr. Tim Gray which is for us all…”Jesus wants all that we have to give because he has given everything to us. Are you ready to give everything to him?”

Interview of Dr. Koestner on the Diagnosis and Treatment of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

Dr. Craig Turcynski, Director of Development and Strategic Planning for BOMA-USA (Billings Ovulation Method of America – USA) interviewed me on the diagnosis and treatment of PCOS and the role that a women’s NFP or Fertility Awareness chart contributes to that process.

Dr. Turcynski was previously the Director of an IVF laboratory at LSU’s Medical Center. I later learned he left that industry due to the mounting scientific evidence that there was a safer and more evidence based way to help couples achieve pregnancy naturally.

Striving to become the Best-Versions-of-Ourselves…

Perfect quote for this adventure!!

So far there has been much growing…our stuff took one week longer then planned to arrive and we moved 3 times in 6 days. Yikes!! I knew I’d find some reason for all of it but at the time, we were all a little cranky. With the downtime though we found Thomas was totally ready for potty training. He just need Mom to focus on him and allow the naked days around the house. We found a great place near the ocean in Grenada that is private and has a great yard for kids to play in safely. Also we met some amazing big families with kids all about our kids ages so they’ve been helping us adjust.

Most of my days are spent homeschooling and exploring the island with the kids while Kyle is putting in some long hours getting the boat fixed and ready for sailing. Our hope is to get in the water December 2nd, but we all know how construction projects go!!

The first apartment we came to off the airplane, we didn’t even end up staying at, but the woman that showed us the place mentioned she loved our kids and wished she could have more. I mentioned I could help with that but then we lost touch. The kids and I saw her in the grocery store so I had her send me the labs from her local doctor and we immediately saw the problem. I’ll be reaching out to her doctor soon to discuss the case….Then come to find out….her close friend is the Director of the Planned Parenthood in Grenada so she got me a connection with her to discuss more about Natural Family Planning and how doctors can help women get to the root cause of their cycle related issues w/ the help of evidence based medical protocols and the science of Fertility Awareness. I’m not sure how that will go but I know God has a plan for how all of this working out…

Also, I joined a Telemedicine group called First of all, you don’t have to be Catholic to see me here, but I love the mission to provide faith based care as well as the flexibility to continue w/ part time full scope Family Medicine and it turns out about 75% of the care currently is related to Fertility Care, which many of you know is a big passion of mine.

We miss you all and apologize for the lack of posting…we do plan to get better!

We have more photos on our Facebook page called NFP by Sea if you’re interested.
