Island Life

If you’re looking for a slow, easy life, with amazing scenery (Did I mention slow?), this is the place for you (shout out to my Bumps (grandpa) whose B-day was two days ago!)!

Mom has tried to keep y’all updated on what we’ve been doing, but, as you’ve probably noticed, I’m not so good at this blog posting thing. I want to to give you a super detailed account on what we’ve done, but I know you all have your own busy lives too, so I’ll try to keep it short.

Well first of all you probably want a little something about the boat (since that’s kind of what this is all about). We’ve pretty much taken the boat apart and we are starting to put it back together again. Even dad admits he probably shouldn’t have taken out that second bathtub, but still we plow on. The kitchen is coming around, the hard top is on, and the washer and dryer have arrived – ok, so most boat people don’t even have a washer, let alone a stacking washer and dryer! Let’s just take a moment to thank God for his blessings. . .

Ok, I’m back! Enough about the boat, how about life in Grenada? Ok, just to clear things up Grenada is a small British common-wealth country/island in the southern Caribbean only 17 miles long! Winding, falling, and rising roads at break-neck paces, pretty much sums up driving. Aaaaand living, so all the houses are made out of cement and usually only accessible by roads steeper and windier than the Fickel’s driveway (if you don’t know them I’m sorry just think of the most steep road and multiply it by five). I don’t think there’s even a dryer on the island, so I have to hang all of the laundry. There also isn’t a dishwasher so that’s done by hand. And there’s lots more! To be revealed at a later date. I hope these pics will help.

3 thoughts on “Island Life”

  1. K yla, this is a great update and makes me smile also. I can see the look on your face as you wrote this. I’m that your siblings and you are all great washing the cloths and dishes. But Charlie has “no snow” to shovel or push anyone thought! Be sure he is aware that I said! I hope that you saw the other response from your first entry, that I saw the other day? As I said responding to your other entery the other day, I miss you guys. Hey, I planned on this being “short also”! I gues you and I have something in common.
    (Ryan Krygier) Mr. Krygier

  2. Kyla, what an awesome post! You are such a great writer with such an amazing outlook on life. I am so happy you are enjoying the beauty around you, we hope to visit you soon. Give everyone a hug from the Engle’s! Love you all❤️

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