Introducing Ava Maris. . .

Ava Maris Koestner

Our new baby came into the world yesterday at 9:35am! Mom has promised to write more details on the birth story, but I am mostly here to show pics. I will tell you that she is perfectly healthy. She was born right before the rental guy was coming to give us a car with one more seat! I hope you enjoy this picture-full update.

Ava 1 day

10 thoughts on “Introducing Ava Maris. . .”

  1. How extremely beautiful! Congrats to your family, Danielle!! I am so happy that Laura made it and that all went well for Ava’s birth-love her name too 🙂 we will be praying for you!

  2. Congrats Kyle and Danielle!!! Glad everyone is healthy and doing well!!

    You’re own Brady Bunch!
    Safe travels !!

  3. She is beautiful just like your mother. Missing you so much. And the nurse that worked with you. So when is the date you are returning? LoL Pictures are beautiful so like you are having alot of fun. Why we are missing you but that’s okay just get it out of your system. I hope you know my joking except missing you.
    Well have a lot of fun and soak up the sun as me freezer our buttocks off. May God stole his blessing up on you.
    Stay safe
    Love Norma

    1. Awe!! Thank you Norma!! I miss you too! I often think of you and hope your wrist is healing well and you are feeling good!! Hi to Steve as well. Tell him I’m making lots of green smoothies here to stay healthy=)

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