Striving to become the Best-Versions-of-Ourselves…

Perfect quote for this adventure!!

So far there has been much growing…our stuff took one week longer then planned to arrive and we moved 3 times in 6 days. Yikes!! I knew I’d find some reason for all of it but at the time, we were all a little cranky. With the downtime though we found Thomas was totally ready for potty training. He just need Mom to focus on him and allow the naked days around the house. We found a great place near the ocean in Grenada that is private and has a great yard for kids to play in safely. Also we met some amazing big families with kids all about our kids ages so they’ve been helping us adjust.

Most of my days are spent homeschooling and exploring the island with the kids while Kyle is putting in some long hours getting the boat fixed and ready for sailing. Our hope is to get in the water December 2nd, but we all know how construction projects go!!

The first apartment we came to off the airplane, we didn’t even end up staying at, but the woman that showed us the place mentioned she loved our kids and wished she could have more. I mentioned I could help with that but then we lost touch. The kids and I saw her in the grocery store so I had her send me the labs from her local doctor and we immediately saw the problem. I’ll be reaching out to her doctor soon to discuss the case….Then come to find out….her close friend is the Director of the Planned Parenthood in Grenada so she got me a connection with her to discuss more about Natural Family Planning and how doctors can help women get to the root cause of their cycle related issues w/ the help of evidence based medical protocols and the science of Fertility Awareness. I’m not sure how that will go but I know God has a plan for how all of this working out…

Also, I joined a Telemedicine group called First of all, you don’t have to be Catholic to see me here, but I love the mission to provide faith based care as well as the flexibility to continue w/ part time full scope Family Medicine and it turns out about 75% of the care currently is related to Fertility Care, which many of you know is a big passion of mine.

We miss you all and apologize for the lack of posting…we do plan to get better!

We have more photos on our Facebook page called NFP by Sea if you’re interested.
